Today is (or was) Brian's birthday, so we all took a walk to the Oxford University gardens. Then we went to the Oxford Botanical Gardens, which was very laid back with sitting areas. And I got the lecture (by Chase the science guy) about all the plants and how and why they are so closely related to each other.
Afterward we stopped at the PieMinister to have lunch. The lovley picture which Brian took displays grossness, but it actually wasn't that bad....just a meat pie with mashed potatoes and the green pees with some minty flavor added in . . . all covered with gravy! ;)

As you may see, Bach is down by my feet at the Oxford Gardens picture so stop freaking out about him not being in any pictures .....wink wink Anastasia =)
It is about time I see Bach! You have been there for how many days now!?! Pick up the pace there girlie!