Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Pub Experience

I actually went to the pub a few days back and forgot to add them in. Since Brian's stupid camera battery is dead I decided to add them.

We all went to the bar right after the boat party and had a blast by goofing around. Couple of hours later we all called it a night and started to walk home. I started to walk with Emma and Ryan until we realized that Brian and Chase werent with us. We started to look around for them until Chase came running towards us.He told us a girl was lying on the sidewalk and they thought she looked dead so Brian stopped and called 999. After calling he realized she was just really really drunk and helped her up and got her into a cab.

Really freaky but memorable....

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today, Brian and I with his friends rented punts for the day. We brought food of all sorts and had a blast seeing the punters almost falling off the boat into the water (Chase and Ryans mom).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Brian's Birthday

Today is (or was) Brian's birthday, so we all took a walk to the Oxford University gardens. Then we went to the Oxford Botanical Gardens, which was very laid back with sitting areas. And I got the lecture (by Chase the science guy) about all the plants and how and why they are so closely related to each other. Afterward we stopped at the PieMinister to have lunch. The lovley picture which Brian took displays grossness, but it actually wasn't that bad....just a meat pie with mashed potatoes and the green pees with some minty flavor added in . . . all covered with gravy! ;)
The picture of me standing in the building is the "Bridge of Sighes", which only Oxford students who study at Hertford College (Brian's college) may enter...this makes me feel special, especially when people are walking by and taking pictures of it - SUCKERS!!!
As you may see, Bach is down by my feet at the Oxford Gardens picture so stop freaking out about him not being in any pictures .....wink wink Anastasia =)

The McR dinner

The Hertford MCR (Middle Common Room) dinner was fun with all of the friends, but I must say that the food was very . . . interesting. There were two long rows of tables, and we would find where we wanted to sit and keep standing until someone said grace in Latin then we sat to be waited.Our first course was goats cheese and tomatoes tart, our second was beef and some other meat (pate?) that was unkown, and third was this type of strawberry cheesecake trte that was AWESOME! Then of course coffee. After we ate people would sconce; one person would stand up and say 'I sconce all guests' and, since I was a guest, I would stand up and take a drink then sit back down. Someone called out spouses and Chase got too excited and went up too fast with his glass and spilled water all over himself. People we didnt even know were laughing at him. Sorry that Bach isnt in any of these photos. I cant really take a chicken to a formal dinner :p

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Arrival - Succes!

On the bus from Gatwick Airport (London) to Oxford, England
It took a long time for me and Brian to get on that bus I am sad to say. Instead of waiting for him inside the airport I waited outside while he was inside waiting for me. After a hour and a half he finally found me and told me how he was freaking out, asking for me at imigration, and even saying my name over the intercom (which I did not hear). What a wonderful way of starting a trip but hey at least I'm here and that Brian didnt call mom to tell her of my absence cause she would be freaking out to the max.